You can order your champagnes and wines below. Minimum order : 3 boxes of 6 bottles.

Orders for less than 3 boxes will not be processed.

BUBBLY TRADE - 31 RUE DE LA CHAUDE RUELLE 51200 EPERNAY FRANCE - N° RCS SANKS - Siret : 80197924600015 - N° TVA FR93801979246

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(= product.title =)
(= categories[product.category] =)
(= product.price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =)   (= myProducts[product.id].newInitialUnitPrice | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =) (- (= myProducts[product.id].promotion.value =) %)
(Stock : (= product.remainingStock =))
(Sold out)

(= product.sectionName =) (= $index + 1 =)

Subtotal Product :  (= myProducts[product.id].price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =)   (= myProducts[product.id].newUnitPrice | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =) (- (= myProducts[product.id].promotion.value =) %)
(= product.title =)
(= categories[product.category] =)
(= product.price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =)   (= myProducts[product.id].newInitialUnitPrice | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =) (- (= myProducts[product.id].promotion.value =) %)
(Stock : (= product.remainingStock =))
(Sold out)
No products to display

(= products.length =) / (= pagination.count =) displayed products

Your contact details

This data is mandatory, and is required to process your order. It will be stored for the statutory limitation period pertaining to the operation. Access to your personal data is strictly limited to the operator of the page and to the subcontractor responsible for hosting the website. In accordance with the amended “French Data Protection Act” of 6 January 1978 and European Regulation no. 2016/679/EU of 27 April 2016 (applicable from 25 May 2018), you have the right to access, rectify and delete your data, the right to limit the processing of such data and the right to data portability. You may also oppose the processing of data concerning you for legitimate reasons. You can exercise these rights by sending an e-mail to the data controller : info@bubblytrade.com

(= product.title =)
(= product.price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =)

(= deliveryErrorMessage =)
Aucun créneau n'est disponible pour le moment, merci de sélectionner un autre moyen de livraison.
Code applied: (= appliedCode =)
Le code n'existe pas


(= basePrice | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =) (= subTotal | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =)

Discount ((= promotion.value =)%)

− (= promotionAmount | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =)

Code :  (= appliedCode =) ((= codePromotion.value =)%)   [ Delete ]

− (= codePromotionAmount | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =)

Delivery  ((= deliveryModeTitle =))

(= deliveryAmount | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =)


(= price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'en_US' =)
(= paymentMean.shortName =)
No payment method available for this order
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